Hate Speech & Jesus
Let’s work backwards in history on this one. You can turn on the news almost any day now and hear American lawmakers demanding that social media platforms censor “hate speech” even more than they already do. If you didn’t know that the major social media platforms and Google curate what

Weaponizing Love
“Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of

Train Up a Child
“Train up a children in the way they should go;even when they are old they will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 This advice is older than psychology – much older. And time has only proven it to be more true. We know today that human development is heavily

The Matthew Principal
Some of the things that Jesus said we’re not completely sure what he meant. These tend to create interesting Bible study discussions, inspire authors to write thought-provoking books, and academics to launch into debates. One of these is a short statement that Jesus seems to throw in at the end

Chief War Criminals Day
“One of the delightful things about Americans is that they have absolutely no historical memory.” – Zhou Enlai On Monday of this week, millions of Americans enjoyed a day off of work and out of school to honor their U.S. presidents – past and present. If the quote above from

Sex Talk
I can only think of a couple of topics that have as profound of an impact on individual lives and the human condition as what we believe about and how we navigate sex. I probably don’t need to tell you this, but it’s a big deal. It has major implications

Finding The ONE
This was taken from a series on romantic relationships I preached that started with a teaching called “Finding The ONE.” The basic idea is this. There is a part of all of us that longs to find our missing piece, our other half, our soul-mate, the one who completes us,

The Good Xenophobe
Be careful about making friends with a xenophobe. Every two or three weeks I have a conversation with a woman who has become a dear friend of mine – she is also an out-of-the-closet racial xenophobe. She isn’t flamboyant about it in any way it is just a part of

Speak to Them of Beauty
Speak to your children, to the young, and even to the old of beauty and it will awaken their souls and open their eyes to the truth of things. It is the blind, deadened soul that sees all things as subjective, relative, and interchangeable with each other. When beauty and

The Bible is a Comedy
Yes, the Bible is a comedy. Ancient Greek culture has had a “dramatic” impact on Western civilization and Christianity, and therefore the world. For the ancient Greeks writing and putting on plays and dramas was an important part of their cultural life. For these people there were only two types