The Power of Normal

The power of normal is a powerful force in any environment. What we perceive to be normal shapes what we wear, the way we talk, the way we arrange our day, the moral and ethical choices we make, our attitudes, and our expectations of life.
In 1970’s America, people wore bell bottom jeans because it was normal.
In the 2010’s America, people wear skinny Jeans because it is normal.
In 1980’s American women wore their hair big because it was normal.
In the 1960’s people said “groovy” because it was normal.
In 2010’s California people say “boojie” because it’s normal.
In Brazil if you are 30 minutes late for an appointment, you may not be late because that’s normal.
In Germany if you are 3 minutes late for your appointment, you’re late because that’s normal.
In the 1960’s people occasionally kissed on TV because that’s normal.
In the 1990’s people occasionally slept together on TV because that’s normal.
A bean farmer in El Salvador can have a great attitude because of his perception of normal.
A stock trader making $500,000/yr can be depressed and angry because of his perception of normal.
Be careful what you accept as normal, by doing so you may unknowingly be making a big choice about who you are, what you will do, and how you will live.
Maybe instead of the old “If everyone else jumped off a cliff would you?” question, our moms should have asked us, “If everyone else decided “normal” was a good idea, would you?”
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