The Gift of Interested

Though we humans are naturally relational people, we are not always naturally good at relationships. Using this one simple tip will improve your relationships with your significant other, your family, your friends, your co-workers, and your clients – become more interested in other people.
It is simple, but there are so many things that get in the way – our own self-interest, our insecurities, our desire to look smart, insightful, interesting, or funny in the eyes of others, our endless preoccupations, etc.
If you want to have better relationships with people, work on putting that stuff aside and becoming truly interested in the people around you – their thoughts, perspectives, opinions, hopes, desires, and experiences. Get good at asking questions and then… listening and asking more questions. This is particularly important with people we think we already know, because sometimes these are the people we begin to show the least interest in.
When you give people the gift of being interested in them, truly interested, you will discover how interesting they really are, they will feel cared for and listened to, and they will think more of you for it.
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