Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First

If you have ever flown on a commercial airline before you have heard this line. Before the plain takes off one of the flight attendants explains the emergency procedures. She or he explains that in the event that the plain looses cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down from the ceiling. “Put your own oxygen mask on first and then assist those beside you with their masks” is always part of the spiel. If you don’t follow these instructions, the danger is that you could pass out from a lack of oxygen while you are trying to help someone else and then what kind of help would you be?
Over the last year I have been learning that the same is true of ministry and spiritual life as well. If we are not careful to put our own oxygen mask on first – make sure we are taking care of ourselves spiritually through prayer, meditation, rest, and the reading of scripture – we may find ourselves in a place where we have nothing left to give. In fact, if we don’t put our own oxygen mask on first, we may not only find ourselves in a place where we cannot help others, but where we are the ones needing help.
Or as my friend Randall Cash told me, “You can’t minister from an empty cup. Ministry is meant to be done from the overflow of your life.”
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