Black Power And Little Micah
I was stunned when I first heard it some years ago, but in a number of variations, I hear it far more frequently these days – “Black people don’t have power.” It is typically well-intentioned white people that say things like this, but I find it blatantly inaccurate, demeaning, disrespectful,

To My Young Black Friend
[This letter has been stripped of its personal identifiers and shared in hopes that it might be of benefit to someone else.] To my young black friend, I know we’ve had a lot of good conversations over the years, but there are some things I wanted to write down for

Right VS Sides
As I raise my kids, it is important to me to point them towards what is right instead of holding myself up as being what is right. I try to be a good example for them for sure, but when I’m not, when I miss the mark, it is important

The Love of Power
I see drug addicts every day. I know most of them by name and many of their stories. For many of them, their life is singularly focused on one thing – their next hit. They might think of something else for a little while, but their thoughts, their attention, their

Habits VS Goals
I have noticed a shift in the professional coaching and counseling world from an emphasis on goals to an emphasis on habits. Being a go-getter, being able to set goals and accomplish them, has been held as a high ideal in our culture for some time. It still is, and

The Freedom of Loving Our Enemies
Very early in Jesus’ ministry he attempts to teach his disciples something that is seemingly ridiculous. In Matthew 5:44, Jesus says, “Love your enemies and pray for those who mistreat you.” Now, anyone who has ever had a proper enemy before intuitively knows that “love” is not what you do

The Deepening Of Our Souls
The boondoggle of how my country, America, Inc., is handling the coronavirus situation continues to unfold. There are new layers of things to be angry about for sure, but anger is not where I live. I live with hope. Winston Churchill famously said, “You can always count on the Americans

Burn The Ships & Toss The Diapers
I’ve learned from Jesus, Julius Caesar, and my wife, that sometimes to make important changes in life, we need to remove all other options. In the ninth chapter of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus tells his followers, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must take up their cross (lay their everything down)

Jesus & Government
Historically, it seems that Christians have more times than not lost sight of Jesus’ stance on government – and no end of suffering and missed opportunity have been the result. In Jesus’ day, the Jewish culture had a palpable sense of anticipation that the Messiah – the long-awaited rescuer from

Quick Tips on Dating
When it comes to dating, the majority of people have the same goal – to find someone that they can create a relationship of love and trust with that will last. Obviously there are people who date with other primary goals, but in general, this desire for a lasting relationship