
Islam: Meet a Muslim

Islam and Muslims are a hot topic these days.  Just today more people were shot and blown up in Europe – Brussels this time.  Little is known at this point about who did it beyond that at least one now dead attacker was shouting in Arabic before he died.

For many people, scenes like these are all they know of Islam and what it means to be a Muslim.  Too few of us know the faces, the personalities, and the stories of Muslim friends through which we can clearly see the imprint of God in their humanity.

My friend Adam Hoyt has come up with a way to help change that, at least a little bit, for more of us.  Below is video of a conversation between my friend Adam and his Muslim friend Yaro Moumin.  Adam and his family have lived for years in the town of Clarkston – a resettlement community on the outskirts of Atlanta – and have intentionally built friendships with refugees from all over the world.

This video is just one of the many ways that my good friend is working to bring the peace of Christ into the world.  I am so grateful for these people and for this opportunity they are giving more of us to meet a Muslim – one who is dramatically different than what we might see on the news.

May God temper our fears with love, compassion, and wisdom.

(If you are wondering why a Christian pastor is writing about Islam, check out Journey Into Islam.)



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