The Paradox of Purpose

The Bible has a lot to share with us on the purpose of life from it’s combined centuries of experience and there seems to be a paradox that runs through these insights – a paradox on how we are to hold the purpose of our lives.
The paradox of purpose is this: We are to live our lives knowing that we will one day be held accountable to the ONE who gave it to us for how we used all that we have been given for God’s purposes in this world. At the same time, we aren’t supposed to take ourselves too seriously, but gratefully and worshipfully entrusting our days, our lives, and the world to the only ONE whose hands are large enough to hold it all.
The same Jesus who feasted, drank, went to lots of parties and said, “don’t worry about your life, just trust in God to take care of you” (Matthew 6:25-34) also leveraged every fiber of his being for the purposes of God and the redemption of the world and told his followers in dozens of ways, “Be careful because you will be held accountable for what you’ve done with all you’ve been given” (see Matthew 25:14-30).
“Be responsible, make the most of what you’ve been given,” but don’t forget to “Trust God, lighten up and don’t take yourself too seriously.”
Both true. Both important.
So how does this paradox of life’s purpose strike you? What part do you need to lean into the most today?
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