To My Young Black Friend
[This letter has been stripped of its personal identifiers and shared in hopes that it might be of benefit to someone else.] To my young black friend, I know we’ve had a lot of good conversations over the years, but there are some things I wanted to write down for
Train Up a Child
“Train up a children in the way they should go;even when they are old they will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 This advice is older than psychology – much older. And time has only proven it to be more true. We know today that human development is heavily
To My Children – If I Die While You’re Young
There are just three of you at the moment – seven, five, and a little brother due around Christmas. Maybe there will be a four of you one day. I hope so and I’m writing this already thinking of you. Some people will say that it is morbid to write
A Case For Marriage
Many people these days are pretty negative about marriage. For many, the concept of two people saving themselves for each other and then making a lifetime commitment to love and be faithful to each other for the rest of their lives (once referred to as the virtue and spiritual practice