Christian Thought

Slow Cooker God in a Microwave World

I just found this in an old file folder.  I never published it but it was definitely something I needed to read again.

Most of my life I’ve heard, “God’s timing is different than ours.” What people usually mean by that is that God doesn’t do what we want when we want it – God moves slower. For most of my life I’ve life as a Christian I’ve lived in that frustrated tension between my timing and God’s. I see the same frustration in my two-year-old. Concepts like “wait” and “patience” are hard for him. He is getting better but it still isn’t uncommon for him to want some food, my wife or I be in the process of getting it or preparing it for him, and him break down in a tearful despair because he doesn’t have the food yet. From a loving father perspective his freaking out seems really irrational. From time to time I ask him questions in those moments like, “Do you know daddy loves you?” “Has daddy ever not fed you when you were hungry?” “Can you see that daddy is working on something for you?”

Little by little I think he is starting to get it, but am I? Is it any less irrational for me to freak out when I have to wait for one of my needs to be met? Is God any less loving, concerned, and faithful to me than I am to my son?

I am learning to quit trying to get God to adjust God’s sense of timing to my own and instead, through trust, adjust my sense of timing to God’s. I feel that it is creating more space inside of me. Working to adopt God’s slower sense of timing is helping me be more patient with life, with God, with myself, and with others.

Learning to accept God’s sense of timing is like learning to make peace with reality and peace with God. God is always faithful and we can wait for dinner.

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