Nathan’s Blessing

Several people have asked for a copy of the blessing I give on Sunday mornings at the end of the services in which I preach, so here it is. I hope it is a blessing to you. Someday I might be courageous enough to tell you why I wrote it.
May you love yourself and others
May you see possibilities instead of threats
May you approach each moment with gratitude
May you cultivate a light and joyful heart
May you feel free to fail and…
May you find the courage to try again
May you find comfort in your own skin
May you receive each breath of life for the miracle that it is
May you bless as you are blessed
May you learn to number the days aright of your one and only life
May you love what God loves, grieve what God grieves, and Dream what God Dreams
May you hear God’s song of delight in you
And may you learn to trust in God’s invisible hands.
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