Saul & How Kings Murder Their People
A longer and more precise rewording of the title could be, “Saul & How Kings & Governments Get Their People to Murder For Them.” How does one person murder hundreds, thousands, or even millions of other people? They get other people to do it for them, often lots of other

Slaying the Vampire God
There is this notion floating around that the God of the Bible is a blood-thirsty rage-aholic whose terrifying wrath can only be held off by the offering of blood. Blood is the only thing that can pacify this God and throughout the Old Testament people offered Him or Her (but

The Intolerable Mercy of God
This one comes out of a great conversation I had with a wonderful Christian friend of mine this past week about the Bible and our views of God. One of the things I get to do as a pastor and as a Jesus Follower is work really hard on healing

Fredrick Douglass & Identity Politics
This might upset some folks at the beginning, but it is important and headed to a good place. Identity politics is quite the rage these days. I think it is well intentioned but doesn’t lead to the place its adherents long for. Identity politics is the trend in viewing and

Jesus VS The Rest of Us
I had this surprising conversation with my six-year-old daughter the other day. She is quite a talker with fascinating ideas about almost everything. For some reason the topic of the moment was how to make the world a better place and how to get people to make good and right

The Inspiring Vision of the Ten Commandments
I’m pretty sure when most people think of the Ten Commandments – if they think of them at all – they don’t think, “Wow! What a vision!” I suspect that most people’s thoughts run more along the lines of dismissive irritation – with rules, with authority, etc. – and a

The Only Diversity That Matters
Several years ago my wife was invited to a special dinner for people who are influencing their communities here in Atlanta. We suspect they had the wrong people, but she went anyway. One of the keynote speakers at the dinner was a man who had worked in planned mixed income

Reading the Bible for Growth & Change
As discussed HERE there are a lot of different ways to read the Bible. Christians primarily read the Bible to learn about God, gain insight into life, and gain guidance for living. The wonderful thing about having these types of goals in your approach to the Bible is that you

Where Trouble Will Find You
Life is going to have its hardships and its troubles. It just is. But there are things we can do to add to our troubles and difficulties in life. There are places where we hang out, where trouble is more likely to find us. One of the most well-known stories

The Need For Silence & Stillness
The soul needs silence and stillness. It is when we are doing nothing that our brains and souls do some of their most important somethings. We can find these moments when we are doing a quiet little something or really and truly nothing at all. It is in the quiet