Is it Reasonable to Believe in Jesus’ Resurrection?
As a pastor, there have been times in the past where the question I addressed on Easter morning was “did the resurrection of Jesus happen?” It’s an important and fascinating question for sure, but I don’t think it’s the right one for Easter morning. The right question for Easter morning

Two of the Three Things You Must Have to Succeed in a Work Environment
Here is a good insight I got from a friend of mine. See which of these three things you bring to the table. Then think about the people you work with and what they bring to the table. Everyone who wants to succeed in a work environment must have at

Is God Proud of You?
I could also phrase this question another way, “Is God disappointed in you?” I think it is a question that’s swims around in many people’s souls, especially those who have had difficult or painful relationships with their parents. There are few questions that I believe hold people at a distance

If You Found Out Christianity Was A Lie
[This is adapted from part of a sermon I preached a while back, but I think it bears repeating.] I can only assume that there are people sitting here today who don’t believe any of this, about the Great Epic – beginning, middle or end – or people who are

Who Did Jesus Offer Communion To?
In the religious wars following the Protestant Reformation one of the things people fought over was Communion – also known as the Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper. Even though participating in this rite has been a regular part of the Christian life for Christians around the world for the last

Gospel vs Social Gospel
This is a massively important topic for our world today and for how individuals and churches live out the Christian life. You may not know what these two are, but if you are a Christian in a western society, they shape how you understand your faith, the Christian life, and

Who Was This Jesus?
As I write this, it is the morning of Christmas Eve, 2016. Tonight and tomorrow, all around the world billions of people will be celebrating the birth of a baby born in poverty, scandal, and obscurity over two thousand years ago. Who was this Jesus? I could attempt answer this

To My Children: “Men Are Visual”
At almost seven and four, you are both far too young for this conversation now, but I was thinking about it and wanted to write a note to your future selves. At some point in your lives you will hear or pick up the message that “men are primarily visual

Freedom, Bicycles, & God’s Delight
My six-year-old son has never been too interested in learning to ride a bike without training wheels. When he was five he would watch other kids do it and say, “I think I’ll try that when I’m six.” After he turned six, he would see other kids riding their bikes

Following the Way of Jesus in a Contentious Political Season
The most divisive issue in American today is political affiliation – specifically presidential political affiliation. It is more divisive than race or economics or any other issue that has been predominant in American public life. Hateful, contemptuous, and dehumanizing, rhetoric and memes can easily be found on both sides of