The Christian Journey

The New Question of Easter

[Note: A cultural era is rarely one with clear geographic and chronological boundaries. Instead one era tends to gradually fade into the other, with remnants of a past era lingering into the next.]

During the pre-modern era – a period of time in human history where the predominant way of viewing the world was shaped by some sort of mythology, superstition, and sacred tradition – the primary question asked of the Easter story was, “What does this have to say about what will happen to me when I die or in the afterlife?”

During the modern era – a period of time in human history where the predominant way of viewing the world was shaped by a profound trust in science, scientific methods, empirical observation, human reason, and human progress – the primary question asked of the Easter story was, “Is it true; did it really happen?”

Today, at the beginning of the post-modern era – a period of time in human history where the predominant way of viewing the world is shaped by hyper-individualism, skepticism, relativism, and disillusionment – the primary question asked of the Easter story is, “Why does it matter right now; why should I care?”

I believe the trick is to try and answer the question people are asking and not the one we think they should be asking or the one we are most comfortable answering.

[Due to upheaval in my life I had to put blogging on the back burner for the last several months. Thank-you to everyone who continues to read.]

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