Christian Practice

The Lord’s Prayer – A Paraphrase

I wrote this paraphrase of The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) for use in our small group Bible studies. I hope it can be a blessing in your life and ministry.

God, you are our maker and King and we give all that we are to you. May we never take you for granted, but always treat you with awe, wonder, and gratitude. May your vision for our lives and this world come true.  Help us to trust you as you give us what we need and make of us what you will.  Give us purity of soul, clarity of thought, and courage of action.  Help us to be merciful with others as you are merciful with us. Protect us from the lies and seductions of evil and give us the strength to see and to say what is true.  In life and in death and in life beyond death may we always love, trust, and delight in you as your adopted sons & daughters.  Amen.


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