
The New Campfire Stories
For thousands of years humans have sat around camp fires and told stories. In this glowing, flickering light elders of the tribe told stories that were passed down to them as they sat around similar camp fires when they were young. These stories were passed down this way from generation

Condemnation VS Correction
No one likes to be condemned or corrected. If you ask almost any group of people what their favorite Bible verse is, and some in the group happen to know a few Bible verses, invariably someone will say something like, “Don’t judge people unless you want to be judged” –

In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Collosae, he seems to have coined this wonderful word “ophthalmodoulia” (see Colossians 3:22). It is a combination of two words “opthalmos” or “eye” and “douleia” or slave – in other words, “eye-slave.” The short paragraph that he uses it in reads

Dealing with Performance Anxiety
A couple of weeks ago after church my family and I loaded up the van and headed out of town for a quick two-day camping trip in the mountains. As is typical for a pastor family when trying to get out of town on a Sunday, we hit the road

Sex Talk
I can only think of a couple of topics that have as profound of an impact on individual lives and the human condition as what we believe about and how we navigate sex. I probably don’t need to tell you this, but it’s a big deal. It has major implications

The Inspiring Vision of the Ten Commandments
I’m pretty sure when most people think of the Ten Commandments – if they think of them at all – they don’t think, “Wow! What a vision!” I suspect that most people’s thoughts run more along the lines of dismissive irritation – with rules, with authority, etc. – and a

C.S. Lewis on Humility
C.S. Lewis was a profound author, academic, and theologian. Anything he wrote is well worth its place at the top of your reading list. Perhaps the most famous quote attributed to Lewis on the topic of humility is, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”

Stack Your Stones
One of the most common messages of God to people throughout scripture is “Remember.” Over and over again God tells people, “Remember me. Remember me. Don’t forget what I’ve done for you. Don’t forget what I’ve taught you. Don’t forget who I am to you. Don’t forget me. Don’t forget

To My Children – If I Die While You’re Young
There are just three of you at the moment – seven, five, and a little brother due around Christmas. Maybe there will be a four of you one day. I hope so and I’m writing this already thinking of you. Some people will say that it is morbid to write

A Case For Marriage
Many people these days are pretty negative about marriage. For many, the concept of two people saving themselves for each other and then making a lifetime commitment to love and be faithful to each other for the rest of their lives (once referred to as the virtue and spiritual practice