
How To Spell LOVE
I have written about this before, but it is worth updating and repeating. Before my oldest son was born and my wife and I became parents for the first time, my wonderful mother-in-law gave us a precious gift – a little book of advice and blessings on parenting that she

Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First
If you have ever flown on a commercial airline before you have heard this line. Before the plain takes off one of the flight attendants explains the emergency procedures. She or he explains that in the event that the plain looses cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down from the

Low Battery Warning
There is a low battery warning feature on my cell phone. I often ignore it when I’m focused on something. I don’t have time for a low battery, I’ll take care of that later. “How much more can I get out of it before it completely shuts off,” I wonder