
To Beginners In Christian Prayer & Meditation
Most things are awkward at the start. Prayer is no different. You were made for prayer, for your life to become prayer, but in almost all of us, those muscle are atrophied. Prayer is not any sort of practice of thinking – positive or negative. Prayer is relating. Relating to

What You Were Made To Do
Do you ever wonder who you are and what your purpose in life is? I hope so. It would be a tragedy if you didn’t. As far as we can tell, to wonder about who you are and your purpose in life is a distinctly human ability. Unlike all other

I want to tell you something about God that is far better than what many people know. Unfortunately, to do that I need to tell you something dark about humanity. Human history is full of examples of people using all of the creativity and empathy God has given us for

The Most Important Idea
Humans are believing machines. Who are we? Where did we come from? What is worth pursuing in life? What should we avoid? What, if anything, gives life meaning and purpose? What does success in life look like? How does life work best? How should we relate to others? Everything we

Do Not Be Afraid
This is important. What is God’s most common and consistent command and word of guidance for human beings? Is it to love God or love people? No. God says those two are the most important, but the message God tries to get through to us most frequently is, “Do not

Black people in America deal with more negative racial profiling than any other group of people. [It is the third week of July 2020. At the beginning of the month I started writing about race and current events (see “Black Power & Little Micah” and “Measuring The Problem”) with the

The Deepening Of Our Souls
The boondoggle of how my country, America, Inc., is handling the coronavirus situation continues to unfold. There are new layers of things to be angry about for sure, but anger is not where I live. I live with hope. Winston Churchill famously said, “You can always count on the Americans

Motivation for the Christian Life
The Christian family is both exceedingly large and exceedingly diverse. The faith of the billions of people who have called themselves “Christian” over the last two thousand years from all across the planet has varied greatly. There are and have been differences in how they understand scripture, the rituals they

Change The Record – Change Your Life
Have you ever been angry, depressed, or anxious where the same negative or hurtful message keeps playing over and over in your head? Of course you have. We all experience the haunting of the negative message stuck on repeat in our minds. It can be that hurtful thing that someone

Pray Like Schmemann
Orthodox priest, professor, and author, Alexander Schmemann, has a wonderful book called “For the Life of the World.” I would encourage anyone to read it, especially any Western Christian who is less familiar with the Eastern half of the family of Christianity. There is so much to share from this