
I want to tell you something about God that is far better than what many people know. Unfortunately, to do that I need to tell you something dark about humanity. Human history is full of examples of people using all of the creativity and empathy God has given us for

The Wonder of the Bible
The Bible is absolutely amazing! There is nothing else like it. But it’s not for the reasons I was taught when I was younger. It is so much better than that. The general impression I got from my early years about the significance of the Bible was that it was

The Gospel For Good People
Most of my ministry I’ve been sharing the hope of God’s healing and rescue, the Gospel, with people who knew they were not okay. Whether it was an addiction, poverty, a mental disorder, a criminal charge, an ongoing struggle with anxiety or depression – there was something in their life

The Matthew Principal
Some of the things that Jesus said we’re not completely sure what he meant. These tend to create interesting Bible study discussions, inspire authors to write thought-provoking books, and academics to launch into debates. One of these is a short statement that Jesus seems to throw in at the end

The Bible is a Comedy
Yes, the Bible is a comedy. Ancient Greek culture has had a “dramatic” impact on Western civilization and Christianity, and therefore the world. For the ancient Greeks writing and putting on plays and dramas was an important part of their cultural life. For these people there were only two types

Slaying the Vampire God
There is this notion floating around that the God of the Bible is a blood-thirsty rage-aholic whose terrifying wrath can only be held off by the offering of blood. Blood is the only thing that can pacify this God and throughout the Old Testament people offered Him or Her (but

The Intolerable Mercy of God
This one comes out of a great conversation I had with a wonderful Christian friend of mine this past week about the Bible and our views of God. One of the things I get to do as a pastor and as a Jesus Follower is work really hard on healing

The Inspiring Vision of the Ten Commandments
I’m pretty sure when most people think of the Ten Commandments – if they think of them at all – they don’t think, “Wow! What a vision!” I suspect that most people’s thoughts run more along the lines of dismissive irritation – with rules, with authority, etc. – and a

Reading the Bible for Growth & Change
As discussed HERE there are a lot of different ways to read the Bible. Christians primarily read the Bible to learn about God, gain insight into life, and gain guidance for living. The wonderful thing about having these types of goals in your approach to the Bible is that you

Where To Start With The Bible?
If you are just starting out learning about the Bible and Christianity or trying to help someone get a good start, it can get overwhelming pretty fast. Not only is the Bible big, it’s not actually just one book. The Bible contains sixty-six different books that are written by different