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Race Relations

Thoughts and insights from a Christian missionary on racial diversity and God’s heart for the nations.

Race Relations

This is a story about the kind of relationships I want with and for all people. [Today I am finishing up a writing series about race and current events I started at the beginning of July 2020 (see “Black Power & Little Micah,” “Measuring The Problem,” “Profiled,” and “The Cost

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Race Relations

Black people in America deal with more negative racial profiling than any other group of people. [It is the third week of July 2020.  At the beginning of the month I started writing about race and current events (see “Black Power & Little Micah” and “Measuring The Problem”) with the

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Race Relations

I am blessed with having some wonderful nerds in my life.  They love numbers and working with numbers to help them understand and explain the world. [It is the second week of July 2020.  Last week (see “Black Power & Little Micah“) I started writing about race and current events

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Race Relations

I was stunned when I first heard it some years ago, but in a number of variations, I hear it far more frequently these days – “Black people don’t have power.” It is typically well-intentioned white people that say things like this, but I find it blatantly inaccurate, demeaning, disrespectful,

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Race Relations

[This letter has been stripped of its personal identifiers and shared in hopes that it might be of benefit to someone else.] To my young black friend, I know we’ve had a lot of good conversations over the years, but there are some things I wanted to write down for

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Race Relations

I have been working as a peacemaker and bridge-builder in racially mixed communities for the last fifteen years of my life. It’s a hard, joyous, beautiful, and messy business. The one place I have found solid ground on, is in the maxim that, “People aren’t color coded.” This means that

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Race Relations

Be careful about making friends with a xenophobe.  Every two or three weeks I have a conversation with a woman who has become a dear friend of mine – she is also an out-of-the-closet racial xenophobe.  She isn’t flamboyant about it in any way it is just a part of

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Race Relations

Several years ago my wife was invited to a special dinner for people who are influencing their communities here in Atlanta.  We suspect they had the wrong people, but she went anyway. One of the keynote speakers at the dinner was a man who had worked in planned mixed income

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Race Relations

A few months ago I wrote a piece called “Race Is A Meaningless Distinction” where I continued my theme that people aren’t color-coded by talking about what little you could know about two people of a different race (a white person and a black person in this example) based on

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Race Relations

I’m sure to some people this sounds ridiculously untrue, but if you are willing, stick with me for a moment. Imagine you are sitting at a table and the person across from you slides two portraits in front of you.  You don’t recognize the people in either of the pictures. 

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