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God and Society

Thoughts and insights into the intersection of Christianity and society.

God and Society

This might upset some folks at the beginning, but it is important and headed to a good place. Identity politics is quite the rage these days.  I think it is well intentioned but doesn’t lead to the place its adherents long for. Identity politics is the trend in viewing and

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God and Society

I had this surprising conversation with my six-year-old daughter the other day.  She is quite a talker with fascinating ideas about almost everything.  For some reason the topic of the moment was how to make the world a better place and how to get people to make good and right

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God and Society

[Aleksandr Sozhenitsyn was a captain in the Soviet Army during World War 2 and also spent eight years in the Soviet gulag prison system.  More importantly for us today, he is the author of one of the most important books ever written – The Gulag Archipelago (link to an abridged

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God and Society

None of these give the whole picture, but are worth their place on the board. “The whole of the emotional case against capitalism turns on the unequal distribution of wealth. But is it peculiar to the nature of capitalism to concentrate wealth in a few hands? Here the first aspect truth is a

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God and Society

On July 4th, 1776, representatives from thirteen British colonies on the North American continent formally declared their sovereignty and independence from the government they had always known and claimed the right to form their own government as they saw fit. This group of radicals and soon to be “freedom fighters”

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God and Society

The most divisive issue in American today is political affiliation – specifically presidential political affiliation.  It is more divisive than race or economics or any other issue that has been predominant in American public life. Hateful, contemptuous, and dehumanizing, rhetoric and memes can easily be found on both sides of

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God and Society

Pretty much everyone knows who Martin Luther King Jr. is, but John Lewis is a little less familiar. Lewis has been a US Congressmen in my part of Georgia since 1987.  He was also one of the major leaders of the Civil Rights movement – one of the few that

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God and Society

As the Gallup chart for this post shows, race relations in the United States have tanked in the last few years.  As a minister of a racially diverse church in a racially diverse neighborhood this concerns me a great deal.  This means that white people and black people – at

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God and Society

I believe too many of us in the United States have an inadequate view of slavery – and holding onto this inadequate view comes at a high price for our world and for millions of individuals. Slavery is an abhorrent practice where one human being physically and psychologically subjugates another

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God and Society

[This is likely going to start out sounding insensitive, but hopefully it gets better.] It seems like everyone has a victim status these days. They come in so many shapes and sizes that everyone can find at least one that is just right for them. Maybe yours is a learning

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