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Christian Thought

Thoughts on the Christian life

Christian Thought

This past Sunday, I preached the first lesson in a Relationship series on Assertiveness. The part of the Bible the teaching came from was Matthew 18:15-20 where Jesus is teaching his followers how to get along with each other and navigate relationships through difficult moments. Right in the middle of

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Christian Thought

British ethics professor and writer for the UK’s Independent, Paul Vallely says, “Most people in the West would be surprised by the answer to the question: who are the most persecuted people in the world? According to the International Society for Human Rights, a secular group with members in 38

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Christian Thought

The 2017 Christmas Season – more accurately called “Advent” – has been really interesting in our household. My wife, Carrie, is 39.5 weeks pregnant with a due date on Christmas Day.  To add to the drama, our youngest was born two weeks early and Carrie has been having tricky contractions

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Christian Thought

My wife and I are both pastors and get the opportunity on a pretty regular basis to marry people. When we are approached by someone we don’t know about officiating their wedding, this gives us a wonderful opportunity to get to talk to someone new about our faith and our

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Christian Thought

Imagine dividing a tire into three pizza slice segments. That is one way to think of our spiritual vitality – a tire divided into the three segments of KNOWING, BEING, and DOING.  If one of them gets a little flatter than the others the tire jolts and bumps down the

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Christian Thought

As a pastor, there have been times in the past where the question I addressed on Easter morning was “did the resurrection of Jesus happen?”  It’s an important and fascinating question for sure, but I don’t think it’s the right one for Easter morning.  The right question for Easter morning

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Christian Thought

I could also phrase this question another way, “Is God disappointed in you?” I think it is a question that’s swims around in many people’s souls, especially those who have had difficult or painful relationships with their parents.  There are few questions that I believe hold people at a distance

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Christian Thought

[This is adapted from part of a sermon I preached a while back, but I think it bears repeating.] I can only assume that there are people sitting here today who don’t believe any of this, about the Great Epic – beginning, middle or end – or people who are

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Christian Thought

In the religious wars following the Protestant Reformation one of the things people fought over was Communion – also known as the Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper.   Even though participating in this rite has been a regular part of the Christian life for Christians around the world for the last

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Christian Thought

This is a massively important topic for our world today and for how individuals and churches live out the Christian life. You may not know what these two are, but if you are a Christian in a western society, they shape how you understand your faith, the Christian life, and

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