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Christian Practice

Practical thoughts and insights into living the Christian life.

Christian Practice

I have some impressive friends. One of my friends has seen a lot of ups and downs in his life – lots of impressive wins and sad losses – but his attitude towards them all and towards life is what impresses me most.  More than anyone I know he exemplifies

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Christian Practice

I used to think that Jesus was out of touch with his teachings on worry.  I don’t think it is Christian to be dismissive of Jesus, but I do think it is okay to be honest about our disagreements.  God can handle our disagreements.  Disagreeing is something that happens in

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Christian Practice

No one likes to be condemned or corrected. If you ask almost any group of people what their favorite Bible verse is, and some in the group happen to know a few Bible verses, invariably someone will say something like, “Don’t judge people unless you want to be judged” –

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Christian Practice

The definition of maturity is “a state of being fully developed.”  Perhaps in a biological sense you can mark that place in humans where we can say, “I am now fully developed,” but in every other sense of the word, I don’t know that we ever arrive.  Maturity in every

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Christian Practice

Like most humans, there have been times and season of my life where I have come up wanting in the virtues of patience and positivity.  To be honest, I’m still a long way off from having arrived in these categories, but I’m improving. A few years ago I had this

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Christian Practice

Throughout scripture, God and pursuers of God continually implore us to “look to God.”  This is such a constant encouragement in scripture that “look to God” could very well be the summation of the life of faith or the Christian Life – a life spent looking to God. Looking to

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Christian Practice

There is this scene in the Bible where the Israelite people do something that seems rather comical and silly to us today. God had recently liberated the Israelite people out of generational slavery in Egypt and began leading them to a new land that they could call their own.  Along

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Christian Practice

As discussed HERE there are a lot of different ways to read the Bible.  Christians primarily read the Bible to learn about God, gain insight into life, and gain guidance for living. The wonderful thing about having these types of goals in your approach to the Bible is that you

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Christian Practice

Life is going to have its hardships and its troubles.  It just is.  But there are things we can do to add to our troubles and difficulties in life.  There are places where we hang out, where trouble is more likely to find us. One of the most well-known stories

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Christian Practice

The soul needs silence and stillness.  It is when we are doing nothing that our brains and souls do some of their most important somethings.  We can find these moments when we are doing a quiet little something or really and truly nothing at all. It is in the quiet

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