Christian Practice

Visionary Leadership & The Christian Life

Leaders are supposed to have a Vision – the ability to see a new and better future for their people, the ability to help their people see that future with them, and to lead them towards it.

It just sounds inspiring, doesn’t it?

Here is a confession: most of the time I don’t think I’m much of a visionary leader.  I think I’m right about this and I think that’s okay.  Don’t get me wrong, I think I have been at times.  I’ve had the hill that we were going to take all mapped out, stories and statistics for why that hill matters, and plans for how we’re going to take it.  That’s all great and God can use that stuff, but what I’ve learned from those experiences more often than not is that “we make our plans but God directs our steps” (Proverbs 16:9).

What I’ve learned is that who I want to be and what I want to give our people is far less a visionary leader and far more a faithful follower of God.

This idea is so perfectly expressed in what the writer of Hebrews says about Abraham, “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out not knowing where he was going” (underline added).  I love that!  God said walk west and that was enough for Abraham.  He didn’t have to know the whole plan or the grand vision, he just knew God said walk west and he packed up his stuff and started walking, “not knowing where he was going.”

Can you imagine how that conversation with his family went?

Family – “We’re walking to where?”

Abraham – “I don’t know, west.”

Family – “Well how will we know when we get there?”

Abraham – “I don’t know, God will tell us I guess?”

Family – “Well, how far are we going to go?”

Abraham – “I don’t know, till God says stop.”

Family – “So we’re going to pack up all our stuff, leave everything we know behind, and walk in the general direction of ‘west’ till God says stop?!”

Abraham – “Yes.”

I want to be a follower of God like that!  I want to help and encourage others to follow God like that – visionless (blind) obedience founded on a deep trust in God.

God may we be people who don’t have to have it all mapped and planned out to obediently trust and follow you.

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